#FlyingUnstable, Customer Experience, Disruption, Technology, Trends
With two children of 15 and 18, a headline like, WhatsApp likely to raise age limit to 18 in South Africa, got my attention as it arrived in my feed. The reason for the age limit raise is because Facebook (the owners of Whatsapp) just changed the terms of service for...
#FlyingUnstable, Disruption, Leadership, Organisational Development, Scarce Skills, Technology, Trends
Are robots taking our jobs? Over the last few weeks, I’ve written a few posts around machines and robots and how they’ll be kicking you out of your job as soon as they build one that can, which won’t be very long at all. You can read those here, and here. According to...
#FlyingUnstable, Future World of Work, Technology
I recently spent a morning catching up on some reading that had been filling up one of the windows in my web browser. You know, when you’ve got so many tabs open you know that your machine must be taking strain? So it was either read or close tabs. The anxious...
Creativity, Disruption, Technology
It doesn’t matter how you look at it, 3D printing is going to change the world. It’s also going to change how we see the world. I belong to a LinkedIn group on The Future of Printing, and came across this 3D Printing Pen last week. Take a look at the video...
Blog, Featured, Technology, Trends
Next month I’m speaking at the Dscoop Conference in Italy. As part of my prep I’ve been researching technology changes that have impacted different industries. Leigh Murphy of Masscash sent this clip to me. It’s a nostalgic clip that’ll make...
Blog, Creativity, Featured, Technology, Trends
If you’re remotely interested in Artificial Intelligence then the headline of this post will have captured your attention. I picked up an article from Wired about Andrew Ng, The Man Behind the Google Brain. The essence of the article is about Ng’s...