Disruption, Leadership, Social Business, Social Media, Trends
Oh dear. Things just got a lottle ugly out there for advertising platforms, as some very large Brands pull and pause their social media advertising spend. Facebook is getting the brunt of the attention over their lax approach to moderation by the Stop Hate for Profit...
Blog, Featured, Leadership, Organisational Design, Organisational Development
I recently spoke at a Leadership Team breakaway for an organisationally structured company you don’t see too many of (especially of it’s size and prominence). It’s not important who they are, however, it does get your attention when you walk into an...
#CrayonProject, Creativity, Leadership
In 2010 in an IBM Global CEO study creativity was highlighted as the most Important Leadership skill by 1 541 CEOs, general managers, and senior public sector leaders who represent different sizes of organisations in 60 countries and 33 industries. Chief executives...
Future World of Work, Generations, Leadership, Talent
There’s something most horrid that happens as we get older, somewhere on the journey from 11 to 23, and it involves the eradication of a fundamental part of what makes us human, and that is the ability to play. But it doesn’t stop there. Not only is it...
#FlyingUnstable, Disruption, Leadership, Organisational Development, Scarce Skills, Technology, Trends
Are robots taking our jobs? Over the last few weeks, I’ve written a few posts around machines and robots and how they’ll be kicking you out of your job as soon as they build one that can, which won’t be very long at all. You can read those here, and here. According to...
Future World of Work, Leadership, Organisational Development
Culture eats strategy for breakfast A well known and often quoted statement from the late Peter Drucker. Said much, acted on less. Far less. In my humble opinion. Matters of people almost always give way to matters of operational efficiency and making ginormous...