Creativity, Disruption, Marketing
MEETING NAUGHTY JULIE I met Naughty Julie on the side of a hockey astro towards the end of 2023. ‘Naughty’ because she was sassy, fun, and was in the throws of starting a small business, selling her / his boxers. Naughty Julie stuck, and I’ve loved...
#FutureNow, AI, Disruption
There’s a ton of doomsday hype storming my various article feeds at the moment, detailing the dangers of AI and the likes of ChatGPT, into the future. From the loss of millions of jobs, the dumbing down of human beings, the end of education as we know it, to...
Disruption, Leadership, Social Business, Social Media, Trends
Oh dear. Things just got a lottle ugly out there for advertising platforms, as some very large Brands pull and pause their social media advertising spend. Facebook is getting the brunt of the attention over their lax approach to moderation by the Stop Hate for Profit...
#CrayonProject, Disruption
Somewhere in the maze of fear, difficulty, hardship, the known and the unknown there have been some lessons and learnings that have kept me stimulated and very much alive I know someone who is a teacher. She’s committed to helping the education system along. Her...
Creativity, Disruption, Future World of Work, Innovation, Play
LinkedIn’s data suggests that there are over 50 000 skills in the world. These can be divided into soft and hard skills. While hard skills only apply to specific sections of the workforce, soft skills apply to all. In 2019, of all 50 000 skills listed,...