#FlyingUnstable, Education, Environment, Organisational Development, TED
This post isn’t aimed at the parent who’s child goes to a hideously under-resourced government school. It’s also not aimed at the parent who’s child goes to the most expensive and over-resourced private school. This post is aimed at all parents...
Blog, Creativity, Environment, Featured
While society has largely arrived at a place where we accept tattooed human beings, how long before you accept tattooed fruit? I ask the question because the EU has passed legislation that will allow fruit to be lazer tattooed according to Digital Trends: New...
Blog, Environment, Featured, Leadership, TED, Trends, Video
Everyone knows, or should know TED? It’s my favourite online resource. Packed not only with amazing diversity of topics with a future slant, but occasionally a superb speaker is featured, who’s worth letting the world know about. In that light, I figured...