Blog, Featured, Leadership, Organisational Design, Organisational Development
I recently spoke at a Leadership Team breakaway for an organisationally structured company you don’t see too many of (especially of it’s size and prominence). It’s not important who they are, however, it does get your attention when you walk into an...
Creativity, Featured, Social Media
Really nice job from Santam on this advert. Very nice
#CrayonProject, Blog, Disruption, Featured
In my last post I suggested ‘improv’ was a great reference that could contribute toward a better understanding of ‘disruption’. Staying with improv for a little longer, I found David Alger’s First 10 Rules of Improvisation. While...
#CrayonProject, Blog, Disruption, Featured
I found a great thought last week from Let’s Play Innovation: An increasing number of professionals are being trained in improvisation skills. It helps them to play with their environment instead of controlling it. It grabbed my attentionĀ becauseĀ I’d...
#CrayonProject, Blog, Disruption, Featured
It struck me last year, that one of my key deliverables for Calidascope (both clients and colleagues) is to provide quality disruption and creativity, when called upon. It was a significant thought because I began to think about what it would mean, on a daily basis,...
Blog, Disruption, Featured
Have you heard of yet? If not, you’re going to at some point, even though it’s not open for business yet, is employing people who don’t fully know how it’s going to do business yet, but is one of the most hyped up stories of online...