What Criteria Does Wordle Use for Its Answer List
AFTER DINGO YESTERDAY (21 May 2024), I started to wonder about what words are on the Wordle Answer List? I thought Dingo was a proper noun, and proper nouns can’t be used. How did they get there? What criteria is used for them being there? I figured I might have...
Take The 30 Day Play Challenge. I Dare You. I Did
I DON’T PLAY AS MUCH AS I’D LIKE TO. Responsibilities take over. My calendar gets full. My to-do list overwhelms me. It’s not that I don’t have time. Time I have. My mind lets me down, and I just want to escape and hide away. I’ve been...
I Forgot To Have Fun | Thoughts During Lockdown
FRIEND: “Just checking in… how are u?” A Whatsapp message from a friend, a few nights ago. How am I, I asked myself and replied…. ME: “I’m not doing great. This lockdown has become more than physical for me. Not only is my body...
Creativity Is Declining. Business Is Feeling It
Creativity levels are in decline. While IQ levels are on the rise, creativity is not following the same growth path. Business is feeling the change, as study after study show creativity in the Top 10 Soft Skills Business is looking for. In LinkedIn’s 2019 Report...