If you drive through Swakopmund, Namibia, you’ll notice plenty that’s different from your world (assuming you don’t come from a desert town). One of my lasting memories was walking into the sand garden of a friend and seeing the most beautiful designs that had been raked onto the sand. You know those little sand-box-with-a-tiny-rake-Feng-Shui items you can buy, picture that on a half acre scale. I never got to meet the person who was employed to do the designs, but it did change my view of the job description ‘gardener’. On that day all gardeners, the world over, became amazingly creative artists to me.
Those who have had to work with grass have, until very soon, had their creativity limited by the tools available to design on grass. There’s really not much you can do with the current model of lawn mower, even if you own a very fancy expensive one. That’s all about to change, according to Dude I Want That…
Prof. Doh Han Young, Jeong Koo Hee, and Kim Min Hong recently won a Red Dot Award for their Grass Printer. As you might have guessed, the Grass Printer is a device that prints stuff in grass. It literally mows graphics into your lawn based on images you sketch into its touchscreen.
Creativity Unleashed
This will be a game changer, for sure. As creativity is unleashed on the grass in gardens all over the world, we will see the most amazing designs being produced. I also predict we will see marriages explode and friendships break, with the horrible stuff that will be produced as well. I can see it now, visiting my friends in Pretoria and having to spend an afternoon looking out into expansive gardens with a giant Blue Bull logo recently added to the garden.
I’m all for anything that lights up the imagination. A grass printer is sure to be such a tool.